Monday, September 7, 2009


If you are reading this entry you are probably one of the 3 people that will ever find out about this blog. I thank you dearly!

In my first attempt at keeping a blog, I wanted to write in English, despite the fact that I may not be as fluent or eloquent as I would like to be. The main reason for that is that given that my real - physical life runs mainly Spanish, switching language helps me detach what I write here from the rest of my actual world existence. And English is the only other language that I am good enough at to even consider as an option.

I sometimes find it hard to aknowledge adulthood. Yes, I'm financially independent from my parents and moved in with my SO, I pay my bills and I have a job that I like and it is pretty much related to what I studied at University, and most importantly, I am already 27. So, by all means, I should be called an adult.

And yet, even though I can logically conclude that I am an adult, I somehow don't feel like one!! or... well, maybe this is it. Maybe adulthood does not come with any particular feeling , and just as I don't really feel I am a brunette - I still know that's what I am.

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