A couple of years ago, I entered my second quarter of a century. (I turned 25, that is).
Many people my age prefer to think of themselves as twenty-something-ers and it certainly has a more youthful sound to it.
So why am I choosing to view life from a quarters-of-a-century perspective instead, which pairs me up not only with all the thirty something year olds, but also all of the 40-xs? - there isn't a single explanation for that, but I will try to give a few reasons:
- My SO is 30+. My cousins are 30+. It doesn't really make much sense to focus on being 20 and pretending I am of a different generation, or that there is a distance from them in terms of interests, maturity, or anything else.
- I enjoy my work, and I have fun with the people at the office. I have met some great people that I feel close to and enjoy being around. Several are 30+, a couple are 40+. I feel just as close to them as I am to my closest colleagues in ther twenties.
- 25 years is a long time span. I don't have to worry about turning 30, if I'm going to stay in the same Quarter. I will probably feel awful when I turn 50, but... there's no point really in worrying about that right now.
- There is a lot to accomplish in terms of professional growth, family forming, and getting stuff done. I like that I have so many things to plan and do!! and it helps to think that I have another 23 years to get all done.
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